Online and In-Person Guitar Lessons at Ultimate School of Music
Sometimes parents say to us their child loves coming to class but they don’t think their child practises enough in between classes. They might also have talked with their child about practising more, and it hasn’t gone down well. To help parents avoid conflict around practise we ask you to consider the following points:
Your child will be more likely to continue with music if you nurture their love and interest in music rather than focusing on how much they practise.
Here at Ultimate School of Music all of our students make progress with their playing. You can see some fantastic playing by our students on our You Tube channel. We want you to realise these results have been achieved without us creating conflict with any student about how much practise to do.
Many of us listen to music to uplift our state of mind and our mood. Similarly this is what we want for our students as they learn to play music! This benefit of learning and playing music for positive mental wellbeing can get lost if a child is compelled to practise or learn music to satisfy someone else’s expectations. For this reason we do not accept any student at USOM unless they are the ones who want to learn guitar.
Your children and teenagers are hobbyists not professional musicians. Professional musicians and aspiring musicians do practise every day at certain times of their careers. But your child is a hobbyist so do not expect them to do what professional musicians do.
The golden rule of hobbies- is thatthe child does it because THEY (not you) enjoy it and their reasons for enjoying it are not limited to just ‘getting better’.
Yes your child is getting music education but in the context of a hobby. We will give your child some choice and control over their music journey. We will teach them how to find out what they are interested in, and help them explore a breadth and depth of different music influences. In class they will play 95% of the time so they get a lot of quality guitar training done.
Enjoyment comes from the fun of being in a school that feels like a guitar club. Our classes have a positive atmosphere, lots of craic so students feel at ease. In this way they will feel confident to explore their musical creativity and artistic self-expression.
Your child has been given a practise notebook and is asked to decide what they would like do for their own enjoyment or challenge before their next class. Over time some students reach a natural point where they play daily because they enjoy it so much, or it helps them unwind and relax. THIS is one of the best results we could ever help a student achieve.
At Ultimate School of Music, we have guitar classes for children from the age of 10 and up: